Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Digital Rhetoric 02: The Message in the Medium

Today's lecture went into the overall evolution of the computer, and the different ways we can store and extract information from it.

The computer was planned as far back as the 1812, where Charles Babbage, after the failing of his difference engine, came up with the concept of "The Analytical Engine", a machine that (in theory) would replace human labour with that of a machine. This was the first idea of splitting up work tasks, such as complicated calculations, into smaller bits and distributing the labour between specialised units. And thus, the idea of mass-production began. Later, Ada Lovelace would write the first algorithm for the analytical engine, succesfully becomming the first computer programmer in history.


Today the computer is used not only for calculations and labor - it is a crucial part of our social lives when it comes to music, pictures, friends and various forms of play and games.
(More stuff will come, as soon as I find my notes)

Todays readings:
  • Baron, Naomi (2008) "Always on: Language in an online and mobile world"
  • Brügger, Niels (2002) "Therotical reflections in media and media" 
  • Meyrowitz, Joshua (1997) "Tre paradigmer i medieforskningen" 
  • Boyd, Danah (2011) "Social network sites and networked public: affordances, dynamics and implications" 
  • Hoff-Clausen, Elisabeth (2008) "Online ethos" chap. 1

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